sw-development-is.social is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
A social place intended as a chill hangout place for software testers, developers, or just about anyone involved in delivering software and who is interested in both the technical as well as the social side of things. <br><br> sw-development-is.social is supported by the <a href="https://associationforsoftwaretesting.org/" target=“_blank”>Association for Software Testing</a>. <br><br> For more information about this instance,

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From birdsite

RT @Volksverpetzer
Der , Verschwörungsideologien & die Lügen sind geworden. Die Verharmlosung, Verdrehung & das Bedienen extremistischer Narrative. Und wenn ich das sage, versuchen mich mächtige Menschen & Medien mundtot zu machen. Es reicht. volksverpetzer.de/aktuelles/ic